I subscribed to your service a few weeks ago but am a bit overwhelmed with all the pages and summaries and charts and am not sure what I am supposed to DO with all of this Are you recommending particular stocks or are you just providing a data base or what? I need more orientation and/or guidance re how to use your site

Our site recommends specific stocks. The next paragraph which is from the Home page of our site, refers to the 20 companies named on the first page of four specific Complete BUY LISTs issued each year. If this response and the following paragraph doesn't help, we suggest you get help from a professional advisor - preferably an advisor with a CFP license who is willing to provide you with written assurance that all matters of their advise will be subject to the Fiduciary Standard.
"Every 3 mos., after our updates for the months of Feb/May/Aug/Nov invest equal amounts in each of the stocks in our “20 ticker/company PORTFOLIO”, which we’ve selected from our then-current Complete BUY LIST (of approx. 100+ stocks)." When any of these four updates is replaced by the next monthly update, it continues to be available for three months as a free Sample List.
Thank you for your interest in our site.

(a) I purchased from you a few weeks ago and the site no longer recognizes me. I need to re-download your lists
(b) I wonder if it is possible to get the list in a spreadsheet format rather than a PDF, so that i can sort them in different ways

Mary, we have been unable to duplicate your problem, and no one else has reported a similar problem. So we suggest you set up a new account.
Although our site has been "free" to users from its inception, there are significant annual costs associated with it. Consequently, to keep those costs under control there are limitations. Unfortunately, the lack of Excel downloads is one of those limitations.

I purchased a new iPad, onto which the Apple Store transferred all the information and settings from my old iPad. Now when I try to download my purchases their is a "flicker", but the pdf doesn't open, like it use to do??

First try locating the "blue folder" icon named "Files", and look in it and its sub-folders - often it is in the frequently used icons, at the bottom of the Home screen.
Also, try going to Settings, and in the "Search" field at the upper left type "downloads". If you see "Downloads", "Safari -> Downloads", select it.
Then make sure "STORE DOWNLOADED FILES ON:" has "On My iPad" selected; and change "Remove Download List Items" to "Manually".
Next make another purchase, and after you click our site's Download icon, in the top title area of the Safari page locate the "down-arrow in a circle" icon and select it. You should see a list of your downloads.
If this information doesn't help, check with your Apple Store about the problem.

How long after the end of the month is the new list published? Say it's 6/30/2021, should I wait until the new list is published or just use the 5/31/2021 list to invest?

Monthly updates are usually completed within the first 7 - 14 days of the next month.
If you download and review the "Sample List" named "LISTING OF SCREEN CHANGES" you will notice that the updates for the first two months after the end of a calendar quarter have much larger changes (i.e. added stocks, and deleted stocks) than the third month after the end of a calendar quarter.
Our site is about long-term investing, Buy & Hold.
More specifically:
Every 3 mos., after our updates for the months of Feb/May/Aug/Nov invest equal amounts in each of the stocks in our “20 ticker/company PORTFOLIO”, which we’ve selected from our then-current Complete BUY LIST.

When I try to download a pdf list Adobe reports the file has an error that cannot be repaired, and the download doesn’t happen.
This never happen before, in all the years I’ve been using your site?

Instead of indicating that Adobe should open the file, do this:
Please Save the file and then drag-and-drop it on to your browser icon.
If your browser next displays the file in a list, select it’s name.
We are sorry for this inconvenience and have contacted Adobe regarding this problem.

How to download my purchase file?

A customer's purchased lists are accumulated in each customer's download area –
they remain in that customer's download area indefinitely,
available for a maximum of two downloads.
The next screen you see after a purchase has completed has a "download" link,
or you can always locate that link by selecting your "My Account" link.
In the "Accounts Download" window please select the download icon
(on the right-side of each list title)
to download the lists you've purchased.

Cost ?????
Of newsletter
Tkz John

John, sorry for any confusion.
Any reference on the site to a "newsletter" is referring to the possibility that one may be developed in the future.
All lists/products on the site are currently free with coupon code: 123
Be sure during Checkout to click the "Apply" button after input of the code.
And remember, to make a "Purchase":
you must have setup an account on our site, and be signed-in to your account.

When I go to yahoo finance and search as you suggested in this post I can't find anything that says Net Tangible Assets?
"Make certain in the window that appears under the title "Balance Sheet" that the "View" shows "Annual Data" as black(or selected); then scroll all the way to the bottom of the columns with numbers and make certain, reading from right to left (i.e. the oldest dated column to the most current dated column), that the "Net Tangible Assets" amount has been "improving" (at a minimum the left, most recent amount, should be greater than the right, oldest amount) -- "improving" means that if the amounts are negative (i.e. bracketed) then the negative amounts have got smaller, or have turned positive."

If "Net Tangible Assets" isn't shown, manually calculate it as follows: +add:Total Assets -subtract:Goodwill -subtract:Intangible Assets -subtract:Other long-term assets (if investigation indicates it is unclear that it represents any realizable value, if a "restructuring", or bankruptcy, required it to be sold) -subtract:Total Liabilities =equals: "Net Tangible Assets". If "Net Tangible Assets" is negative then every share has that potential final value from any financial crisis resulting in a "restructuring". For example: in the 2008 financial crisis all the General Motors common stockholders lost everything, as part of the government's "restructuring". Subsequently, new common stock was issued to acquire funds to partially repay the government - and those are the General Motors shares currently being traded on the stock exchange. However, all the General Motors common stock that was in existence before the 2008 "restructuring" ceased to have any value and became worthless.

My dividend yield on my Motif account with your website’s BUY LIST, from 10 months ago, is only 1.2%. Because the stocks have appreciated the PE Ratio is 26.56 and Beta is 1.06. Should I make some changes?

The type of investing this website recommends is "buy-and-hold investing", made preferably quarterly. If you had invested $300 each quarter, allocated equally(5%) into each of the 20 companies, in each of the 11 BUY LISTs on MotifInvesting.com we had published quarterly since June 2015, as of the Jan 15, 2018 date when this question was received, then you would have been invested in 73 different companies.

What we recommend is regular investing of new money quarterly - and "holding", unless you need some funds. We don't recommend selling for any reason, except needing funds. We don't worry about PE Ratios or Beta. We know that one out of every 20 of the best companies this website recommends in any of its BUY LISTs will cease to exist, usually because of having been acquired by another company, and that three out of every 20 companies this website recommends will perform so exceptionally over the long-term (six or more years) that overall the remaining 19 companies will perform wonderfully - and the dividends will grow, and grow, so approximately 25% of the companies, after 30 years, SHOULD BE PAYING YOU ANNUALLY a return of more than a 100%. For more info please see the "About Us" on this website.

What is the significance of the beige colored rows in the purchase lists?

To differentiate the ten basic Sectors of the economy.

RE: your 2017-09-15/18 DIVIDEND GROWTH Public Portfolio motif on MotifInvesting.com (from your link at Home>Independent substantiation of our performance). Does this, or will this, portfolio/motif be updated quarterly or at each quarter should I liquidate this and search for the latest quarterly public portfolio?

Our quarterly motifs are designed to help long term investors create their own mutual fund. You would now, at the date of this response, have FMV of approximately $3,850 from investing a cumulative $3,000 in 70+ companies over the past 2+ years, if you had invested $300 in each of our ten (as of the date of this response) DIVIDEND GROWTH published motifs, with “equal-weight” investing in each of the 20 companies (many being duplicate companies from previous quarterly motif publishing's).

We don’t recommend ever selling, because from the site creator's personal experience - and as a CPA in public practice, whose lifelong avocation has been the study of the subject of investing - the biggest mistakes investors (not traders) make are from selling. The creator says this as someone who, from experience, believes that one out of every twenty very good DIVIDEND GROWTH companies invested in will will be acquired by another company, or possibly “go bankrupt” - AND, as someone who knows from experience, that four out of every twenty good DIVIDEND GROWTH companies invested in will, thirty years down-the-road, be paying a dividend every year of more than each share's cost basis in those company’s stock (a more than a 100% return every year). Our personal story is presented in the “About Us”.

Other than the 52 week+ lookback STATS table, how can I get an idea of the historical annualized results of your site’s recommendations?

The answer to this question has become much simpler:
FOR CONFIRMATION OF HOW OUR RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE PERFORMED see: Home>Independent substantiation of our performance
LOCATE AND CLICK THE LINK: Cumulative Performance HISTORY from 6/15/2015 Inception
[Previously, from inception in June 2015 until the end of 2019, the performance of each of our, four times per year, recommended 20 ticker Buy Lists ("Every 3 mos., after our updates for the months of Feb/May/Aug/Nov") could have been tracked on the fractional brokerage website motifinvesting.com. In early 2020 motifinvesting.com's accounts were acquired by the fractional share brokerage folioinvesting.com, which ceased to publish that performance. In early 2021 folioinvesting.com was acquired by the fractional share brokerage Interactive Brokers.]

In your answer to my earlier question you say your site is "exclusively only recommending 'buy-and-hold'". Are you familiar with the recent MARK HULBERT article in The Wall Street Journal, page R2, Monday, August 7, 2017: FUNDAMENTALS OF INVESTING "Everyone's a 'Buy and Hold' Investor Now -- But it takes guts to stay that way. Otherwise it's time to reduce exposure." ??

Thanks for bringing that excellent article to our attention. We agree with it completely! Understanding the very important FUNDAMENTAL OF INVESTING presented in the article, is why our site's owner/author developed, two years ago at the site’s inception, the Investment Calculator for the Home>Simple Rules. Please note that the first of the three inputs required by our Calculator is: “P: % of Cash in your portfolio which allows you to sleep well during market ‘downtrends’”.

Should an investor initiate a portfolio each quarter and then hold that portfolio for 12 months until the next listing shows in that same quarter the following year, then buy and sell to match that new portfolio? For example, purchase the March portfolio and hold those positions until the following March, construct a second portfolio in June and hold those positions until the following June etc..?

The answer to the timing question is that whatever is the then current “Buy List”, (page 1) recommended 20 ticker portfolio, should receive the investor’s then current new investment dollars. As we have tried to make clear elsewhere on the site, we exclusively only recommend “buying-and-holding” (the reason for this position is set forth in the site’s “About Us” link, which is currently available only if you aren’t signed-in).

Our current full “Buy List” and our current “HOLD List (don’t sell, BUT do check this list ANNUALLY …)” are intended to help previous investors in any “recommended 20 ticker portfolio” to have some insight into the current status of the individual stocks into which they previously invested. Such insight will hopefully help them make the best decision when considering whether to take the extra time to construct a new “motif”, or simply invest additional funds into one that currently exists and has, in their assessment, performed satisfactorily. For portfolios (of investors not using motifs) our current “recommended 20 ticker portfolio” is where new additional “buy-and-hold” dollars should be “equal-weight” invested.

What is the best way to get started with the funds I have available. Should I go "all in" with the current Buy List?

Good question. We never advise going "all in". That is why our Home page provides the "Investment Calculator" -- as well as the ""Simple Rules" about investing". We think a discipline of saving and regularly investing some of your savings, is the best plan!

I noticed that on the 8/7/2015 update BAX was deleted because of a dividend decrease, then on the 8/14/2015 update BAX is an addition, what gives??!

ALL USERS please be cautioned that sometimes the update of information in the database may be in-process over two weeks -- usually because the stock's information was released near the end of a week. For example BAX 10Q filing with the SEC was on Friday, 8/7/2015, and was only partially entered into the database by the close of business that week. This incomplete update to the database caused the deletion of BAX, because it failed the screen for "No dividend decreases in the past 3 years." The next week, 8/14/2015, BAX was added back, when the update of all information from the BAX filing had been completely entered. CONSEQUENTLY, if you find a STOCK MISSING from our "HOLD (don't sell)" LIST, when making your "ANNUAL CHECK-UP", before taking any action, WAIT A WEEK AND CHECK THE "HOLD (don't sell) LIST" A SECOND TIME, for confirmation that the stock has been deleted!